Doggy Field Rules

  • Please end your session on time. Your session time includes loading back into your vehicle. If you have arrived late you cannot extend your session.
  • Do not exercise your dog outside of the secure field area.
  • Please provide your own poo bags and dispose of these in the dog waste bins provided.
  • Treat other users of the field, site staff and the facilities with respect.
  • No harsh handling of dogs is allowed whilst using the site.
  • If you notice any poo that has not been picked up, please either dispose of it in a dog waste bag or put a cone over it and staff will deal with this within 24hours. Please also inform Lizzie so that repeat offenders can be identified.
  • All dogs that use the field must be wormed and vaccinated up to date. If dogs are ill please do not use the field.
  • Do not climb on fences, gates or dog equipment.
  • Please take care when entering and exiting the site, being vigilant there may be farm machinery.
  • By using the field you are agreeing to our terms and conditions which are available on the website.


Please enjoy your session and if you need assistance please call Lizzie on 077092 204 886 or email


The Disclaimer

The facilities at Canine Adventures are there to be enjoyed but this is entirely at the users own risk. No responsibility is taken by the operators of the site for any injury or loss incurred. Vehicles and contents are left at their owner’s own risks.