Latest News

Website Launch


June 2022 sees the launch of our exciting new business “Canine Adventures!”

As we planned the launch of the business we understood just how important it was to concentrate on our internet presence and to make it as easy as possible for prospective customers/visitors/doggy friends to find us and book a visit.  To achieve this we recruited the services of Chris Macvie at Black Sheep Digital Media, a local North Northumberland based website design and development company.

With our ideas and the skillset of Black Sheep Digital Media we were able to bring our vision to life.  Our new website provides a platform for customers to book a time slot to exercise their dog/s, keep customers up to date with any relevant news, as well as provide a focal point for potential new customers to research our unique offering.

We hope you like our website and we look forward to welcoming you to Canine Adventures real soon.

Lizzie x

Canine Adventures Northumberland


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